Wow, what a concept. Does anyone actually know what this newly coined noun means? Obviously the creation of some enterprising ad writer, looking to win over a new alcoholic beverage client. Taste good? Does it hit the spot? It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be bought. It's the old question: How to sell suds. What'll ya have, Bud?
Happy tipsy Tuesday.
How about "watchability" or "hearability"?
She's got terrific watchability!
New flat-screen watchability! That new hit single's just filled with "hearability"!
These coinages are just wonderful. Pure trashy conceits. They give me a headache.
I don't know why drinkability works better than watchability, but it does.
It's somehow very amusing, while watchability isn't so amusing.
But I can't put my finger on why this is so.
But I like your grammar Nazi posts, in general.
Alright, I, like, totally hear you! I mean, that post has total hearability. I'll have to keep an eye on this blog because it's watchability is, like, major.
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